This Maurten Solid 160 cocoa bar gives you plenty of carbohydrates throughout the day, and is quickly assimilated.
Maurten has set out to differentiate itself from conventional bars with the Solid 160 C bar. Based on oats and rice, the recipe has been optimized by removing all non-essential ingredients. The aim is to improve performance and promote recovery.
The Maurten Solid 160 C bar can be consumed before, during or after exercise. For short efforts, it is recommended to consume it before or after the effort. For longer efforts, such as ultra trail running, it is recommended to eat something solid every 4 hours. The Maurten bar is ideal for this purpose.
The Maurten Solid 160 Cacao energy bar is :
- Produced in the Netherlands with ingredients from Europe
- A fast-absorbing vegan energy bar
- Rich in carbohydrates for optimized performance