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Prolongation de l'offre jusqu'au 3 juin, -5% dès 100€ d'achat, -10% dès 200€ et -15% dès 300€ avec le code LYOMAI


Peny comes to us from Brittany, France and rounds off our range of sterilised meals. While the brand is not well-known to the general public, many sailors and soldiers are already familiar with their meals, which are provided among rations for the French army.
Heavier than a freeze-dried meal with its 300 grammes "ready to eat" portion, the Peny meal is not intended for activities where you need to carry equipment for several days. That being said, it would be perfect for a road trip, while sailing, out on a picnic or a short hike. The meal is easily heated by placing the tray over a flame or in a saucepan of boiling water and many of the recipes may be eaten cold.
To conclude, with a shelf life of 4 years and easy-to-stack boxes, PENY meals can readily be stored in a cupboard to form a small reserve of emergency meals or pending any future adventures!

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