This chili con pulled pork is a recipe based on extremely tender pork. A guaranteed gustatory delight!
In English, "pull" means to pull the meat with a fork so that it falls apart. This recipe could therefore be translated as pulled pork chili.
This extremely tender dish features pork, kidney beans and a tomato sauce. The ingredients are 100% natural, preservative-free and home-cooked by the small company Nomad's Kitchen, which caters to nomads (skippers, road-trippers, fishermen...).
Packaged in a compact sachet before being sterilized, each recipe can be kept for 1 year at room temperature and reheated very quickly. In a bain-marie, it takes about 10 minutes. Alternatively, pour directly into a saucepan or place in the microwave. Simple, fast and effective.
Chili con pulled pork is..:
- A nutritious appertized meal
- Ideal for your sea outings
- Handcrafted and 100% natural