This smoothie is a blend of freeze-dried apple, kiwi, pineapple, spinach, nettle and ginger powder. To prepare it, simply pour the contents of this preparation into a gourd/shaker and add 250 ml of water.
The composition of this Green Smoothie is 100% natural, with only fruits and vegetables (some of which are grown directly by Lyofood).
No added sugars, no preservatives and no palm oil.
A green cocktail to take advantage of the vitamins and minerals in this shake, which is prepared with 250 ml of water. This 30 g serving provides 106 kcal.
Lyofood's green smoothie is :
- A smooothie made from freeze-dried fruit and vegetables
- Produced by Lyo Food in Poland, both farmer and processor
- A drink that can be enjoyed in the morning before leaving for the office or during an outdoor outing.