Chicken paella

Chicken paella


This portion of Travellunch Chicken Paella takes just 7 minutes to prepare.

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Travellunch's Chicken Paëlla is packaged in 125g bags. This corresponds to a dish for one person. Once rehydrated, the dish weighs 325 g. Based on rice, chicken and vegetables, this recipe is lactose-free. It is prepared by mixing 200 ml of hot water. Rehydration takes around ten minutes. In terms of nutritional content, this traditional Spanish recipe offers 399 kcal.

Made in Germany by Travellunch, paëlla has a shelf life of 5 years.

Travellunch's Chicken Paëlla is :
- Lactose-free
- Suitable for one person, with a rehydrated portion of 325 g
- 499 kcal